Original Wings & Rings
The name says it all really....Wings & Rings....thats what we came for, and thats exactly what we got!!
Set in the unassuming, almost bond-villanesque hidden lair location of Liberty House, which you would struggle to find if you weren’t looking for it. The lack of signage outside did little to inspire the imagination, although upon entering, the bold sign of "Eat, Drink, and Talk Loudly" hits you in the face with the loud, bumptious Americanisms that this bar/restaurant is mimicking so well.
The Food
A solid, yet uncomplicated menu of Salads (with or without chicken), Quesadillas, Burgers, and let's face it...what we all came for...the Wings (boneless or Traditional) and the Onion Rings.
As a wing connoisseur, I was impressed by the waitress skillfully reeled off the 7 varieties available and the 5 heat options which ranged from Buffalo to “Crazy” and mild to 1 million, which requires you to sign a disclaimer.
When it comes to desserts, the caramel and chocolate brownie and the New York style cheese cake would satisfy every sweet tooth although I must admit, we were saving room for the equally strong and sour Margaritas which were beginning to surpass the amount of food on the table.
The Drink
The Colombelle Sauvignon Blanc was a nice "sophisticated" way to ease ourselves into the collection of carnage that was to follow. Tequila shots, Margaritas, G&T’s, and the odd bottle of Stella seemed to be permanently re-generating themselves on our table. A comprehensive package of “house” beverages and special requests are on offer, neither seemed too much trouble for the staff to bring to our table in any quantity we requested.
The Atmosphere
The DJ at the start of the Brunch played a mixture of party pleasing pop/club R’n’B along with the TV screens dotted around the pub showing music video’s on loop, which the OWR security guard and self-proclaimed entertainer (Gary) seemed to particularly enjoy. The effortless nature in which he helped collect glasses, impose a “no-messing” sense of sternness, whilst also throwing the odd body pop and “brush off your shoulder” move whilst gliding with a cheeky smile in between tables was something to marvel at….and worth the price of admission alone. The Band (Carmen and the Black T’s) who came on after the DJ played a mixture of interactive covers ranging from Reggae to Bruno Mars
A great addition to the 250 AED and under brunch bracket which will no doubt grow in popularity (especially if they sort out some signage so that people can actually find the place)…The lack of the promised Drinks stations was a little bit of a let down, however the comfort from the attentive staff, the added bonus of a dancing security guard who clearly enjoys his job and the chief crowd pleaser of doing what your title suggests (Wings & Rings) very well and in plentiful supply will allow us to overlook that as it is still in its infancy.
We look forward to seeing this place when it is truly booming.